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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Whatk so Evver

I told u before...what so evver you need to be manning the department...you know what I mean. Whak so evver, you are the CEO of the department....you need to do compliance and you don need to go outside....you know what I mean then. Whak so ever...I treat you all like my anak2. You can kal me anytime anyplace whak so evver. I will helpth you. Whak so ever....u take this as positive whak so evver. We will reward you whak so evver.

Question : Please correct the sentence. You will be given 10 seconds to find the mistake.

1 comment:

  1. 10 seconds to find the mistake? Nak baca pun dah 10 minutes bro...! Ekekekekeke...
